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April 05, 2006


SEO - The Latest and Greatest News - Questions to Ask SEO Companies

Read special report on the latest and greatest news on search engine optimization and useful questions to ask SEO companies before using them.
This report is also very very useful even if you do not intend to use an SEO company.

Following article is written by SEO Senior Specialist Jennifer Horowitz of

“How To Exploit The Google Dance And Increase Rankings, Sales and Profitability For Your Online Businesses” (For complete article scroll down to the end of the article and click the link)

Last year, without warning, Google recently dropped thousands of websites from its listings, while countless others saw a severe drop in their page rank. Industry leaders are calling it a "blackout." Earlier in 2003, Google made a significant change to its algorithms, which is not uncommon, but the most recent changes (in mid-November) are severely impacting online businesses.

The Internet has long been touted the information highway, but so far the information has been lacking reliability and consistency. Search engine giants like Google are constantly improving their relevancy methods ... and those changes are affecting rankings in a big way.
Search engines today are concentrating harder than ever on the quality of website content. Just like you and me, site visitors want to see useful, easy-to-read and up-to-date information.

A recent study showed that 1 in 7 websites have a significant number of broken links, spelling and grammar errors, and outdated content. Moreover, Google continues to weed out the "spammers" that include hidden text and over-stuffed HTML tags. It's just not the level of quality that surfers are demanding of websites.

Follow a few simple rules to achieve top rankings:
Keyword ResearchUse competitive customer analysis to identify the best keyword phrasesfor your business. Unfortunately, there is a widespread misconceptionthat you need highly competitive keyword phrases that get the mosttraffic, but this could not be farther from the truth.

Simply trying to get top search engine placement based upon "quantity"(in other words, those keyword phrases being searched on most) maytotally miss the mark of your ultimate goal -- more sales. Gettingtargeted web site traffic, meaning people who are literally searchingfor a product or service to solve their need, is really what SEO is allabout.Powerful, effective web content fulfills two important business needs:It attracts targeted web site traffic by incorporating keywordphrases chosen specifically for each web page.

It increases conversions with compelling content, marketing andselling techniques, and factual, useful information.To achieve and maintain top placements, webmasters must create important facts and knowledgeable information that major engines like Google require. Content is more important than ever -- Google's team is trying to give surfers the most relevant and useful web pages."

Here you find the white paper: “How to muliply your search engine rankings, achieve them up to 85% faster, and increase the traffic, sales & profitability of your online business”, "...understanding SEO – your questions answered, a whitepaper by, LLC and Search Engine Web Promotion.", loaded with important questions to ask any SEO company before using their services. As mentioned above, this report is also very useful even if you do not want to use a SEO company. The article also contain a useful glossary to SEO terms. Go: here

Photo: Copyright 2007 I Nilsson. Bicycle trip through the US here California



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