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Free ForAnyone Article Blog

Article Blog on Internet Topics For Anyone

February 22, 2006


On NEWBIE Matters

ince I am, what professional marketers on the internet generally call a "Newbie", I have tried to come up with all sorts of ways of finding information and my future prospects.

One of these ways, and perhaps a tips that I can give, is - and this without any strategy what so ever - just to browse around on the different sites; open a few of all the emails that you get from other marketers in return, and maybe just click on a link or two, to see what they're actually marketing. In addition, go from one page to another, not being afraid of signing up for a subscription or another, I mean, if it is free you will not loose anything anyway.

Not long ago I found myself doing just that and this happened to be a forum on SeoNews. Ok, I looked around, read a few, and stopped particularly at one, which talked about difficulties in getting to the top of the search engines, and what to do? Some of the answers talked about a nice way of writing that matters, style, form and so on.

- Ok, I thought, since I had learned a thing or two at the trainings at work. It is not only a question of a nicely put content - but also a question of linking, meta tags, titles, "daisy chaining" (a specific linking technique) and such things, to put with your site when you post it. This stuff feed the search engines to push your site forward from within and from underneath. Well, I answered the forum request to the best of my knowledge, and then forgot about the whole thing. A week or so later I received two emails, asking if I could help, since they had problems with their sites - no matter what they did they could not get their sites to a good position.

Following is my letter to them, and then I have found an additional piece of information, which I found valuable, and thought I would share it with you as well. Firstly, the letter - perhaps it can be useful to another Newbie, like me:

'Hi there! Thanks for your reply. I will try to help you. I am in a marketing company called Veretekk and we are currently (around 35 of us) participating in a Company contest for top ranking on Google. Go to this address", and get loads and loads of highest expertise info on how to reach ranking # 1 on the world's largest search engine (Google). There you will find recorded training sessions, lots, and lots of professional practical information for marketing and for pushing your site to a top position, among other a technique called "Daisy Chaining", about linking your ads for a number 1 position. Listen especially to the recorded trainings of Veretekk CEO Thomas Prendergast.

If you want to have even more info, go to, at "Veretraining" (also free) to the "Conference" there. It is live online training sessions on high quality marketing strategies. For example the "Guerilla Marketing", also free. Trainings are at any time of your choice (24/7 for your convenience), at different levels, from beginner's to very advanced, depending on where you are in your marketing business. I guarantee that it is super high quality and with the absolute best teacher's of the Internet (Company is part of Inetekk Inc. based in San Diego, California US) - and it is all free.

Here you will also find a completely completely automated engineered marketing system (by the founders: the CEO and the President, Thomas Prendergast and Michael Darling), also free. For all of this you go to You sign up absolutely free with no strings attached.

Another very high quality website is, also absolutely free, with lots and lots of free training right there on the site. I somewhat know the teacher - she is quite amazing.

Then get back to me, and I will give you more information and other free sites for how to push your website to the top. If you would choose to go to the Veretekk site I mentioned above, I could even call or Skype (free internet phone) you, and guide you through some of the Veretekk marketing system, right there and then, simultaneously, if you have your computer on and nearby the phone.

On the other hand, I can send you more info via mail, whatever you prefer - it is all free. I am just another marketer on the internet (Newbie), but believe in empowering each other and help each other; it will be good for everyone. Kind regards Inger Nilsson

If you have any other questions, or if you do not feel this info suits you and you want additional information, feel free to email me back.'

Link to another piece of useful information with the title, "How small sites can get noticed", here:
e-commerce times story

Photo: Charles Dickens Public House, London SE, England.

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February 18, 2006



Following feature "Blog of Riches ..." by Clive Thompson was published in New York Magazine Feb 20 2006.
Please feel free to give comments on this. You can use the email address at the end of the article.

"Blogs to Riches. The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom."
By Clive Thompson

Two years ago, David Hauslaib was a junior at Syracuse University who was, as he confesses, “totally obsessed with who Paris Hilton was sleeping with.” So he did what any college student would do these days: He blogged about it. Hauslaib began scouring the Web for paparazzi photos of Hilton and news items about her, then posting them on his Website, (Sample headline: PARIS HILTON SPREADS IT IN THE HAMPTONS.)
“My friends got a chuckle out of it, but it didn’t get really big or anything—maybe a few hundred visitors a day,” he says.
Then one day Hauslaib took a good look at Gawker, a gossip site owned by the high-tech publisher Nick Denton. Gawker’s founding writer, Elizabeth Spiers, had pioneered a distinctive online literary style and earned a large following in the Manhattan media world. What really got Hauslaib’s attention, though, was Gawker’s advertising-rate sheet. According to Denton, the site received about 200,000 “page views” a day from readers.
The site ran roughly two big ads on each page, and Gawker said that it charged advertisers $6 to $10 for every 1,000 page views—almost the same as a midsize newspaper. There was also a smattering of smaller, one-line text ads bringing in a few hundred bucks daily. Doing a quick bit of math, he figured that the income from Gawker’s ads could top $4,000 a day. The upshot? Nick Denton’s revenues from Gawker were probably at least $1 million a year and might well be cracking $2 million.
Not bad, considering the blog had no serious expenses other than its writers—first Spiers and now Jessica Coen and Jesse Oxfeld, all working for journalist wages—and Webhosting fees of maybe a few thousand bucks a year. “The rest of it,” Hauslaib points out, “just goes into Nick’s pockets.”
“And I was like, I can do that,” he says, laughing.
So in June 2005, Hauslaib packed his bags and moved to a sparsely furnished sixth-floor walk-up in the East Village, where he parked his massive Dell laptop on his kitchenette counter, installed a flat-screen LCD TV to catch breaking celebrity news, and began working on Jossip in earnest. He’d start each day at dawn, trolling the Web for dirt about celebrities and media stars. (“You gotta have something posted before people get to work,” he explains, “because my audience is people who hate their jobs.”)
Read the whole article here

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Photo: Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. I Nilsson


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Photo: Copyright 2007. All Rights reserved. I Nilsson

February 16, 2006


Inetekk Veretekk 10 year celebration 2006

Inetekk Veretekk wont go away! VERETEKK company is here...

Saturday, February 11, 2006
"Veretekk champions the little guy." Inetekk Veretekk 10 year celebration 2006

Inetekk Veretekk companies declared their vision, Thursday Feb 9, 2006.
"Veretekk champions the little guy", said Thomas Prendergast, CEO of Inetekk Veretekk Inc.

Inetekk Veretekk Inc.'s official announcement:

"/24-7PressRelease/ - SAN DIEGO, CA, February 11, 2006
-, Inc. CEO Thomas Prendergast (founder of the Veretekk Automated Marketing System TM) along with Mike Darling (President and co-founder, reflect the many accomplishments, Inc.'s Veretekk system has achieved over the past 10 years.

"Mike and I would like to thank all of those that have been part of this great undertaking as we turn 10 years old this month", stated company co-founder, Thomas Prendergast."We have accomplished much these last 10 years. The fact that Inetekk is still around, healthy, growing and debt free is an accomplishment itself", said co-founder, Mike Darling. "Looking back over the last 10 years, some of the major accomplishments exclusive to Inetekk technology have been; Veremail, the first closed loop double op-tin system with third party validation. Traffic Portal methodology, a portfolio of self-replicating, unique domain, viral, valuable, lead capture sites /.../, the world's first self replicating search engine. Self replicating, personalized, pdf documents and pdf ebooks, responsible verified bulk mailing systems, 24/7 live training and support are just a few of the benefits of Veretekk's massive arsenal, that we have developed for the online marketers over the years. But more important than anything else, is all of these mechanisms build exclusive business contacts for our subscribers. It is this single feature that set's Veretekk apart from the rest of the industry. Privacy is our most important asset next to the success of our subscribers."

"We make all of this available for free," stated Prendergast. "Our newest innovation is our MLM Portals. We have released two /.../. We have others on the way, like, and one for FFSI. The concept to incorporate an MLM opportunity into the backbone of the Veretekk system is brilliant. You have to see them. This is our best work yet. Perhaps our mission statement says it best."This is our Mission:

Veretekk champions the little guy. Veretekk doesn't just fight spam, and scams, Veretekk delivers ethical alternatives. We boldly hold the position that the buying and selling of leads is obnoxious, unethical and is the toxic byproduct of the Information Revolution.The toxic symptoms of this are:

Unsolicited Faxes.

But before you can eliminate the disease we needed an alternative, and Inetekk has lead the way. We support the anti spam movement, not abhor it. You cannot stop a man from stealing food for his family, until you teach that man that stealing is wrong and how to earn his food ethically.

Mr. Darling added, "I have seen too much devastation in this industry and watched as people are lied to and so many lives eventually ruined by the lies! Does Ford Motors, Volvo, McDonalds, etc. conduct themselves this way? No! They built brand recognition through responsible marketing and advertising. In the United States when you think of clothes detergent brands, the name TIDE often comes to mind. But TIDE did not fax you, spam you or telemarket you into this state of mind. TIDE built brand recognition through responsible marketing and advertising. It took a huge investment of time and money to do it, but do it they did.""Before the Internet, to build that type of brand recognition it took huge expensive TV and radio advertisements," added Prendergast. "Through the Internet we have built Veretekk to be the mechanism that the little guy can use to build a moderately sized sphere of influence in a responsible and ethical way. "

Prendergast continued, "Spamming, faxing, and telemarketing does not build recognition. It builds hostility. The Information Revolution is a two edged sword. It can beat your door down, destroy your privacy, and enslave you, or it can empower the individual and produce a decentralized culture similar to the agrarian culture before the Industrial Revolution. It is the Industrial Revolution that produced the soaring divorce rate, crowded cities, corruption, and rising crime rates."Mike Darling added, "I see the Information Revolution as a new opportunity to reverse this trend, heal families, restore civility, and decentralize cities to bring sanity back to our cultures. However, the biggest threat to this is greed. Greed can be reversed when the culture understands that by looking out for others and empowering them as our highest priority, it serves us all better and we will all prosper. Veretekk is built upon this principle."


For more information about Veretekk or to sign up for our free service go to, Inc. 7115 Calabria Ct. #D San Diego, CA 92122 858-625-8373, Inc. is a privately help corporation. Specializing in building automated marketing and advertising systems for the direct sales and network marketing industry since 1996.# # #."

Photo: Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. I Nilsson

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Inetekk Veretekk 10 year celebration 2006

Foranyone: "Veretekk champions the little guy." Inetekk Veretekk 10 year celebration 2006


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Photo: Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. I Nilsson


Blog Travel Journal Free Foranyone

This is my Blog Journal also for anyone who loves to travel. If you feel you are in that category (all are of course welcome!!!), please feel free to post your experiences - I am mainly speaking of trips you’ve made - if you’ve bicycled far stretches like I did (cross country), or simply drove through Europe or America, or what ever. As long as it is an independent trip for a longer period, more than a month’s time, it will do - then we are on the same level in this.
Shortly, I will start posting more and more photos in to this blog, and welcome you to contact me for uploading your photos. See you later…

US here California Posted by Picasa Photo: Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved. I Nilsson

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