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March 20, 2006


Yanik Silver's recommended Special Report on 10 SEO mistakes.

I recieved following letter and special report today from Yanik Silver, and thought to share it with you, perhaps as a complement to another great tutor, the CEO at Veretekk, Thomas Prendergasts´s own marvelous Guerilla Marketing trainings.
Here it goes:

I recently achieved a top 5 ranking in Yahoo and Google just by following the same simple, yet powerful information I'm about to share with you...
The fact is no matter what you're selling online, whether it's your own products or services, or if you're an affiliate -- you need traffic! There's just no way around it. And Search Engines are the last free way to drive lots and lots of targeted traffic to your site. But the BIG problem is getting a top ranking. You're competing with hundreds, probably thousands, of other sites all looking for the top slots. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Search Engines keep changing the rules on you all the time. It's enough to drive you crazy!
I threw in the towel because it seemed nearly impossible for a techno "dummy" like me to get high rankings...until now. That's why I'm so excited to share a brand new resource that will literally give you an unfair advantage. Here's what I'm talking about...It's a new, step-by-step tutorial put out by one of the top Search Engine and directory placement experts, Jim Maddox.
Here is the Report:

'The 10 Critical Search Engine Mistakes Almost Every Business Makes... and how to avoid them!'

If you've ever wished for more website traffic... if you've ever wanted dozens, hundreds, even thousands more sales online...or even if you just wished you'd come up under your own darn company name in the Search Engines... then this report was written for you! We'll teach you about avoiding the mistakes other people make with the Search Engines so you can get tons of traffic from Yahoo!, AltaVista, LookSmart, MSN and more! /---/ You must build your site with the Search Engines and Directories in mind or suffer the costly consequences of having to redo your entire site.

The NUMBER 1 Search Engine Mistake people make is... 'Targeting the WRONG keywords.' The vast majority of people don't give any thought to the keywords they want their site to come up under until AFTER the site is already built and online!That's like trying to decide where you want the windows, doors, power outlets and telephone jacks in your new house AFTER the walls have been up and bricked in for 6 months! It won't work!

You have to KNOW - not guess - which keywords people will use to find you in the Search Engines and Yahoo!... even before you even pick your domain name! Do you know anyone who did this? They thought up a cool domain name... then they thought up a cool business that would make them rich...they put up a site that cost a lot of time and money...THEN they put words in their 'keywords' tag the terms they HOPED the Search Engines would find them under...then they wondered after 3 weeks why they weren't getting any orders!

Two months later they think the Internet stinks and it won't work for their business! Where did people come up with their keywords anyway? Most people just pull them out of thin air... they say to themselves, 'These are the words I would search for... I'll use these.' GUESS WHAT... your customers don't care what YOU would search for... they care about what THEY'RE searching for! Give them what they actually want... not what you 'think' they want! Want to learn how to choose the 'right' keywords so you don't spend the next 2 years chasing Search Engines placement for keywords nobody but you cares about? Here's how you do it. You have two (2) options:

HARD way - Go ask 100 people if they were looking for what you sell online, what keywords would they put into a Search Engine in order to find your products and services. Then take that list, remove all the duplicates, go to the Search Engines and see how many sites are promoting for those keywords. The more crowded the competition... the more popular and important the keywords. This process can take anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks depending on how busy you are.

EASY way - We'll show you how the pro's can instantly see the most popular and important keyword phrases for their sites and then research for related phrases they never would have thought of... because they aren't their customers! Then we'll show you how to rank the most important keywords by clicking one button... and you'll know EXACTLY which keywords will make you money... and which ones aren't even worth writing down!

This process takes about 30 minutes total and can completely change your life!I guarantee that the keyword terms you're going after now probably aren't the best ones... and even if they are...there are a lot more you probably haven't thought of that could be making you money right now! We've had clients who just change this one part of their promotion and more than doubled (200% increase) their business... almost overnight!

Here's why 'What USED TO work' can now get you BANNED FOR LIFE with the Search Engines & Direcrtories Many so-called 'experts' tell you what USED TO WORK in search engine promotion. They'll tell you all about keyword stuffing... and hidden text... and mirror sites... and template pages... and stealing code... and fast meta refresh page redirects... and a whole bunch of other stuff that DOESN'T WORK anymore! It's like these guys bought somebody else's 3 or 4 year old book and just re-wrote it. The problem is... you don't know that it is old information. You take them at their word and do what they say... and it's YOUR domain that gets BANNED FOR LIFE! The person that sold you the book made money... what do they care! Which leads me to...

The NUMBER 2 Search Engine Mistake people make is... 'Using 'Mirror' sites.' A popular technique that USED TO WORK for achieving better positions in the Search Engines involved publishing your website in several places on the web and submitting all the pages to the Search Engines. You USED TO be able to get some pretty good placements using this technique... and you USED TO be able to drive a lot of traffic by making it look like you had 4, 5, 6 sites on the web... even though you really only had one!NO MORE!

The major Search Engines now have 'duplicate content' FILTERS that defeat this technique. It doesn't work effectively anymore with the major Search Engines... hear me on this! Doing this will get your domains BANNED... or at a minimum will get all or most of your pages penalized or dropped from a Search Engine's database. A similar strategy to 'mirror sites' is our number 3 No-No

The NUMBER 3 Search Engine Mistake People make is... 'Using the same page or 'template' repeatedly.' Similar to posting mirror sites, using the same page over and over no longer rates as an effective Search Engine promotion technique. It USED TO be that you could find a page that ranked well, search and replace the keywords, and submit it as a new page... but unfortunately the Search Engines are getting wise to this too!

This technique might work occasionally, but most of the time it is a complete WASTE OF TIME. One of the biggest reasons this technique doesn't work anymore is the 'cheap' automatic page generation programs that churn out 5,000 bridge pages an hour...those pages have crowded the Search Engines with low-grade content and now the Search Engines are FIGHTING BACK!

Search Engines have learned to recognize those cheesy bridge pages and RARELY do they rank at all... let alone get good placement! Here are two 'Red Flags' the Search Engines just won't tolerate like they used to... and if you really abuse them... they'll BAN your site!The reason these two red flags are so stupid is that anyone can completely avoid them. The only way you can make these mistakes is if you DO THEM ON PURPOSE! Get the tool that can guide you on how to promote your site to the Search Engines and Directories in simple, easy techniques that ANYONE can do.

The NUMBER 4 Search Engine Mistake people make is... 'Endlessly repeating keywords.' Often referred to as 'keyword stuffing' or 'keyword loading' this technique of repeating keywords in various parts of a web page annoys the Search Engines and rarely results in even mediocre placement. Be honest... it is easy to spot the 'keyword' stuffing in the paragraph below?

Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword,Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Keyword, keyword, keyword, Isn't that a little obvious? No kidding...It's REAL obvious!

Sure this technique worked 5 YEARS AGO... it might have even worked 1 year ago... but it doesn't work really well anymore! Plus... outrageous abuse of this technique can get all of your pages dropped and even get your domain BANNED FOR LIFE! What blows my mind is that people seem to forget this FACT:The Search Engines are COMPUTERS!

It's really easy for Search Engines to SPOT ABUSE and worthless pages! All they have to do is see the pattern and they can and WILL SLAM YOUR PAGES into the trash bin! Knowing that a Search Engine's computer can spot problems, abuses in your pages brings me to the next mistake...

The NUMBER 5 Search Engine Mistake people make is... 'Stealing other people's code.' Many so called 'experts' tell you to go to the Search Engines, find a page that ranks well and take their code straight out of the html source code. They tell you to post the page to your website and submit the page to the Search Engines. What they don't tell you that the Search Engine duplicate content filters will definately catch you - and SLAM or BAN you! Don't do it... even if you were successful in the past... don't you think the other guys are going to get a little UPSET when they see you've taken their code? Don't you think they'll probably make trouble for you?

You don't want trouble... you WANT TO MAKE MONEY! You make money with MORE VISITORS! You need more TRAFFIC! Here are the two mistakes that will WASTE more of your PRECIOUS TIME than anything else!FACT: Time is the only thing you have online! Your time and your money (which only buys you time to a certain degree) are all that matters as far as accomplishing your goals online. Even if you operate a non-profit site... you can only reach your goals by using your time effectively! Wasted time = wasted money = FAILURE

'These guys brought the world to my front door. In one sale to Peru I covered the cost of my entire website for TWO years!' - United Electric Supply. /.../ The number one time waster in Search Engine promotion is also...

The NUMBER 6 Search Engine Mistake people make... 'Treating all Search Engines the same.' Each Search Engine has its own rules... and those rules change frequently. What works for one Search Engine won't always work for another. Making all of your pages the same way will only help you on certain Search Engines and not others. You must create pages to meet each Search Engine's criteria... because they sure as heck aren't going to change their criteria to meet your pages! I know this sounds stupid... but if you make all your pages the same way...that is exactly what you are doing - expecting the search engines to change just to suit you!Speaking of treating all Search Engines the same, this brings me to the next mistake!

The NUMBER 7 Search Engine Mistake people make...'Treating Yahoo! like a Search Engine.' Hear me clearly on this one - Yahoo! is NOT a search engine! NOT, NOT, NOT! Yahoo! is a DIRECTORY with its own extremely UNIQUE rules with live human beings (editors) making the decisions about where, when, how, and IF your site comes up in a search!
It always cracks me up to see Search Engine submission tools out there claiming they submit to Yahoo!. What a joke...

Dying to read the rest of the report? Click here

Why go to somebody else's Search Engine? Get your own:
Free eTracking Search Engine.

Here is another great Search Engine for Free of your own: Web Catch Search Engine

When you are at it, why not get your own Free automated marketing system as well? I am of course talking about the best, the Veretekk Marketing System. Click here

For source on the special report, click here:

Photo: London, England. Here Cleve Street, London NW6.

I'll look further into Verritekk. Looks interesting.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Thanks! es do that! It is worth it even as a free member!
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